When I saw the recipe for "Angel
Hair Pasta with Olive Oil & Garlic" (page 211), I had to smile. This
was an exact replication of my standby, go-to fast-food I turned to when I
wanted something quick, and something representing the epitome of comfort
food. Consisting simply of cooked pasta,
olive oil, and fresh garlic (and sometimes topped off by parmesan and/or
freshly ground black pepper), I think I could have lived on this food at one
time. I never realized this was a bona fide recipe, a classic dish that
actually had a name - Aglio-Olio (which
means Garlic-Oil). To me, this was nothing more than a pantry
staple that I dearly loved, and had a hard time letting go of when I began to
cook and eat oil-free. So when it came time to make this recipe, I was balking
at the idea, knowing I would be leaving out the olive oil and significantly
changing the entire presentation and experience. But I gathered up my courage
and plunged ahead, using an ample amount of flavorful veggie broth to replace
the ½ cup (yes, ½ CUP!) of oil called for in this recipe. Wow - that's 142
grams of fat! Somehow knowing that helped me move past my reluctance, and
although I will always have fond memories of the way I used to eat this dish,
using veggie broth was quite acceptable, especially if you are lucky enough to
find fresh homemade pasta to mix it with. Be liberal with the veggie
broth, the "juicier" it is, the better.
Keeping it "McDougall Friendly"
- Omit the olive oil, using an equal or greater amount of flavorful
veggie broth instead.
- Use whole grain pasta of your choice.
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