could be easier for a quick lunch or snack than "Refried Bean & Salsa
Quesadillas" (page 126). Whole pinto beans are cooked and mashed with a
bit of chili powder, folded into a tortilla, topped with salsa and minced
onion, than grilled in a skillet. Although not technically a quesadilla (derived from queso, the Spanish word for cheese, combined with the word tortilla), the idea of a Mexican style grilled tortilla
sandwich has expanded to include any number of tasty fillings, sans cheese, this being a
good example. Try to find a high quality oil-free tortilla if you can. I really
love the Food For Life sprouted whole grain tortillas, made from whole grains
and seeds with no added oil (Ezekiel 4:9 Srouted Whole Grain Tortillas).
They are substantial and chewy, and brown nicely in the skillet without adding
oil. I have now tried all seven entries in the "Fajitas and Burritos"
section of the "Sandwiches, Pizza, and More" chapter of this book! J One by one,
section by section, I'm closing in all 1000 recipes! ;-)
Keeping it "McDougall Friendly"
ü Omit the oil when cooking and mashing the
beans. Just use a little bean broth or water instead.
ü Use oil free, whole grain tortillas.
These can be hard to find! It seems you can find oil free or whole grain, but
harder to find one that is both!
ü Skip the oil when grilling the
quesadillas; cook in a non-stick skillet.