
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Potato & White Bean Salad with Roasted Red Peppers

I can't think of a single potato preparation that I don't totally love. Potatoes really are one of my most favorite foods, and potato salad in particular ranks high on my list. But I really had to get creative with the "Potato & White Bean Salad with Roasted Red Pepper" (page 69) in order to keep this dish oil-free. The recipe as written calls for 1/3 cup olive oil; this is a significant percentage of the ingredients to simply omit without finding something else to take its place. I had some Tofu Sour Cream (page 574) in the fridge, and thought this would make a nice substitution for the oil, vinegar, and mustard dressing this recipe called for. Granted, this does change the nature of the dressing rather significantly, but I have to say, using the sour cream was an absolutely delicious solution to my dilemma! The remaining ingredients are simple and healthy foods: potatoes, roasted red bell pepper, white beans, green onions, and capers. Initially I was skeptical about the beans, wondering if they would meld nicely with potatoes, but I was delightfully surprised at how perfect this union was, as if these two ingredients were made for each other. If you don't want to take the time to roast the red peppers yourself, using the jarred variety works very well (ask me how I know… J). This unusual but delicious potato salad will now become a regular addition to my potato salad repertoire.
"Keeping it McDougall Friendly" checklist:
ΓΌ Instead of using the oil-based dressing in the recipe, try substituting Tofu Sour Cream or fat free vegan mayonnaise.


  1. I am going to try this. I have all of the ingredients on hand.

    Thanks so much for continuing this project. Seeing the pictures and reading your descriptions makes me excited to go back through the cookbook and try new recipes.

    1. Thanks Kathy!! I really appreciate your kind words, and I'm glad you find my pictures and suggestions helpful. Let me know how you like the potato salad after your try it!!
