
Friday, December 3, 2010

Indonesian Tempeh in Coconut Gravy

Tonight was extra special as my husband decided he would like to prepare one of the dishes from this book.  Because he does all the stir "frying" in our house (he also only uses water for sautéing), plus almost always takes on any dish using tempeh, the "Indonesian Tempeh in Coconut Gravy", (page 301), was the perfect choice for him.  Although the recipe didn't specifically call for this dish to be stir fried, it was very easily adapted to my husband's favorite cooking utensil, the Wok. 

Why is it when someone else cooks, you seem to enjoy it so much more?  I certainly did enjoy this dish.  To be fair, it was hard not to like with all the rich foods - tempeh, coconut milk, peanuts.  Although all ingredients are technically allowed on the McDougall Plan, maybe not all at once, and certainly not very often.  Okay, done with my disclaimer.  The blend of flavors was outstanding, with just enough heat added from one jalapeño pepper, instead of the serrano pepper called for in the recipe.  There were also red and green bell peppers, plus onion and diced tomatoes, all cooked on top of the stove at a low simmer for several minutes in the coconut milk, just long enough to reduce down to a nice thick gravy.  The recipe suggested this be served over rice, but my husband preferred pasta, so we had it over noodles. 

I love it when my husband cooks! J

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