
Friday, October 8, 2010

Vegan Matzo Ball Soup

The "Vegan Matzo Ball Soup" (page 150) is a two-part recipe.  The soup, which I am reviewing here, and the matzo balls, which I reviewed above.  While the matzo balls were baking in the oven, I prepared this very simple, but very delicious soup to go with them.  The soup portion is like a heavy broth, or a light soup, however you want to look at it, and depending on what you use for the broth portion probably determines a great deal about how good it will taste in the end.  I used a powdered vegan "chicken" flavored broth made by Frontier Foods which I really like, and it was the perfect choice for this preparation.  The ingredients are simple - broth, onion, carrot, celery, and some spices.  I omitted the oil called for to sauté the onions, and that was the only change required to keep it on plan.

I placed the baked matzo balls in a bowl, ladled the soup over them, and enjoyed one of the most warming, comforting soups I've had for a long time!  I can see myself making this recipe quite often, especially over the winter months.


  1. This is amazing!!! How you do it in an rv kitchen is another issue!!! lol!

    I also used a Ckick'n broth powder from Bryanna Clark Grogan and then made my own matzo meal. I put the matzo balls in the soup cause I had no room to bring out the oven! It is raining today and just perfect and delish! the matzo ball s came out very tender and the way I love them! Who needs Chicken??? Course Ed put some hot sauce in!

  2. Thanks Nancy! Sounds like you're having no trouble in your RV either! :o) That Chick'n Broth recipe from Bryanna Clark Grogan sounds awesome, I'll have to make that!
